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Location-based apps: Big Brother is Watching You?

Location-based apps and advertising are trending right now. But it feels a bit like Big Brother is watching you. How do we solve this problem?

When you look at your phone settings almost all apps use your location without you even knowing it. Most people do not like this and it also feels like someone is watching you all the time. You downloaded the apps on your phone because you wanted them, so what is really the problem? Nothing if you ask me!

The thoughts of an app creator

Why does an app creator want to know where you are? The answer is simple actually! The data provides App creators and brands to deliver more personalized brand experiences. But only if they use it the right way. When they use the information to offer something you value and need they are doing it right. As Amanda Philips , head of marketing at Millward Brown, says: “It’s not about you. Let me repeat that: it’s not about you. Location-based marketing will only work when you focus on what makes consumers’ lives easier or more interesting.” So it is important for an app creator to see where you shop and go, to personalize your needs and wants. If they know these things you will only get advertisements you want to see and maybe would have missed if you did not have a location-based app.

The thoughts of the consumer

Okay, so now we know what the thought of an app creator is. But what are the thoughts of the consumer? Obviously they feel watched, insecure and they just want to have some privacy. So many consumers turn off the location-based apps. But what they forget is that when they post a status on Facebook or if they check-in on Facebook they are also being watched. Guess what, it is really hard to have nothing to do with location-based apps or advertising. Unfortunately, there is not much information on the web to explain how the data is used. No wonder people do not want to use it.

Solving the problem

If there is a problem, you always want to find the solution. But how do we solve the problem for the consumer? I think a solution would be to talk to the consumers. If the consumer knows why location-based apps use their location they will accept it. As an app creator: specify what you will do with the data you collect from location-based apps and tell the consumer what is in it for them. The most important thing is giving the consumer what they want at the right time. If you explain it like this to the consumer the insecurity will disappear because they know more about location-based apps. However, they still feel like they are watched, but they chose for it and they know there is also an opportunity in it for themselves.

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